Find Your Flagstaff Job or Internship

  • Branch Office Administrator

    Edward Jones - Davin Chambers
    • Full Time
    • Posted 2 weeks ago

How we help:

· We help job seekers get matched with the perfect career opportunity in Flagstaff.

·We help students find internships and volunteer opportunities to help build a successful career and for students who want to intern at local businesses to connect to employers.

·We help local employers find the best local candidates for your open job vacancies.
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Top Companies in Flagstaff

Flagstaff is home to several manufacturing plants and major retailers. Flagstaff is also quickly establishing itself as one of the major cities for medical device innovation and other science-related industries. A large economic backbone of the area is the strong small business sector - those with 10 employees or less. With over 4 million annual visitors, the tourism industry is also very strong in Flagstaff.

Our Mission was developed by the Greater Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce with a mission to benefit the entire community of businesses, and non-profits, large and small, for both Chamber members and non-members. is the premier job portal for employees and employers in Northern Arizona. We will find employers qualified employees, and match anyone seeking a new career in Flagstaff with the jobs best suited for their qualifications. Our mission is to make your search as easy and seamless as possible.
The internship suite matches students with employers interested in hiring an intern to further their business plan. Students can begin to understand what local companies are here and what basic skills they need to be hired.

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Flagstaff Hiring Stats

Did you relocate with a partner, but still haven't found a job? Sign up now to get found by employers in Flagstaff who are looking for potential new hires just like you.
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  • 1 Job Posted
  • 1 Job Filled
  • 1 Company
  • 2,577 Members


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

As a new business coming into Flagstaff I can share that they have been so helpful and very devoted to their beautiful community.
-Shelley Murphy Phoenix

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The Chamber staff are great and are very helpful in getting connected to the community. The members of the Chamber are also great resources and I look forward to working with all of them over the years.
-Scott Sawyer


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